Online English Teaching Etiquette

The Basics

We all know the basics. But still, many online English teachers don't apply them in class. So just a reminder, here are some basic manners in case you need them. If you don't, go ahead and skip to number 1.

- Be prepared. This applies even to seasoned teachers.
- Show up on time.
- Dress appropriately.

1. Don't cheat.

Whether you're lazy or don't like the student, always give it your best shot. Minimize your informal or personal conversations, and don't apply tricks to "kill time." An example includes letting the student read a long verse so you can kill 2 minutes. Another is by spending 3 minutes of a free-flowing conversation before starting the class.

2. Don't do anything else (such as texting, chatting, eating) while teaching.

In my ultimate guide to online English teaching, I urged beginners to hone their multitasking skills.

But I noticed that many teachers abuse this skill to juggle texting, chatting, talking to their seatmate, and teaching.

3. Don't report to work drunk or sleepy.

Back when I was still an employee, I noticed that some unprofessional teachers report to work slightly drunk or very tired and sleepy. While this is an extreme scenario, it happens.

What these unprofessionals do is to pretend that something is wrong with their web camera so they have to turn it off. This way, the students won't notice how bad they look.

But trust me, they can sense it.

4. Don't flirt with your students.

Surprised? Don't be.

Some teachers even send their nude pictures to students they like. Even if some students may act flirtatious, it's best to keep things professional.